We are educators and mentors that are dedicated to nurturing the unique spirit of each child.  We strive to be worthy of imitation and bring culturally rich, age appropriate curriculum that educates the body, mind and spirit of children.  We use nature-connection as a basis in most all that we bring to our students in hopes that by bringing the inherent truth, beauty and goodness of the wild world to the children, in time will awaken capacities in our students to bring new impulses into our culture.  


We recognize that we are on unceded and stolen land of the Arapaho and Ute Peoples. 

By acknowledging this, and acknowledging the privilege that those of us who are settlers have on this land, we wish to take active and daily steps towards stopping the further perpetuation of colonization of people and the land. 

We acknowledge that many of the skills and ways that we work with come from a long line of oral tradition and daily use. We are grateful for the teachers who are in our lives and for the people who continue to hold the tradition of these skills.  

Our mission is to hold a space for people to come to rest in and explore their deep interconnections and sense of belonging with  the living world. To actively and authentically practice earth-centered traditions by ourselves and in community.  To reinvigorate a sense of connection with place, each other and ourselves to realize a sense of kinship and responsibility as we mutually shape each other.  To be courageous in seeking movement, vitality, health, connection all as a way of better caring for the earth and thus each other and ourselves. We practice this through food, medicine making, song, story, handwork, crafting, games, dance, play, movement, festivals, awareness, councils, study and our social interactions with one another.  

In gratitude for my teachers and wisdom holders who paved the path for me to walk.  Without you and your generous teaching and patience and total devotion to your work, my work could not be possible. 

Martin Prechtel - Bolads Kitchen

Rudolf Steiner

Jon Young - 8 shields Mentoring

Holly Koteen Soule - Sound Circle

All the teachers at Lifeways including Suzanne Down, Faith Collins, Clari Schmidt

Melissa Michaels - Somasource

Sage Hamilton + Christopher Sassano - Sage Programs

Merrie Wycoff - Yellow Barn Farm

Mindy Upton - Blue Sky Kindergarten