Year-Long Homeschool Enrichment

“Recieve the children in reverence, educate them in love, send them forth in freedom.”- R. Steiner

Miss Liz offers personalized homeschool enrichment tutoring to small groups in the community who are seeking a Waldorf Trained, Nature-based educator and mentor to work with their children.  

About the Program

We offer a lower grades, Waldorf-inspired and land-based homeschool enrichment program. This is a program that is inspired by Rudolf Steiner’s indications for an educational approach that seeks to meet the whole child- head, heart, and hands and evolves to support the growing needs of the student based on an understanding of human development. 

Our programming is held at Yellow Barn Farm. The students spend so much time on the land during our time together that they will have the opportunity to connect and know the place through the seasons deeply. We gather on many extraordinary acres of farmed and wild land in the Boulder Valley between Boulder and Lyons and are tucked right up against the foothills. There are multiple ponds and wells on the land and an irrigation ditch flowing through the land. The land is home to many birds, deer, elk, bobcats and more. Daily contact with the farm and the natural world deepens our students’ experiences.

Our teaching space includes a beautifully renovated indoor classroom in the arena, an indoor communal lounge for eating and doing bigger indoor projects, access to the gardens and working farm animals as well as outdoor classroom space. Miss Liz's dog, Rain, is with us daily tending to and supporting the students. Yellow Barn Farm hosts community events regularly open to its members. Several other inspiring community businesses are run on the land whom we have the opportunity to overlap with. 

This programming is held by Miss Liz who is a Waldorf-certified teacher, trained coyote mentor, handworker and previously, an organic farmer. She brings all of this experience daily to her time with the students. Miss Liz deliberately seeks each child's unique gifts. She meets most of her students in kindergarten (or earlier) and is their teacher for many years. Teaching over time allows her to get to know her students and families deeply. 

About Our Curriculum

We offer a developmentally appropriate, experiential and academically rigorous approach to education. We integrate the arts into all academic disciplines for students to enhance and enrich learning. We aim to inspire life-long learning in all students and to enable them to fully develop their unique capacities. Music, dance, theatre, literature, legends and myths are not just to be read and tested but fully experienced. Through these experiences, Waldorf students cultivate their intellectual, emotional, physical and spiritual capacities to be individuals certain of their paths and to be of service to the world.

Our curriculum includes- Language Arts: Grammar, Spelling, Oral Storytelling/Riddles, Writing, Handwriting, Drama and Performances, hands-on projects; Arithmetic- grade-appropriate math concepts and skills study; Social studies-map-making, the geography of Colorado and the US; Science; History; Handwork- seasonal crafting, beeswax and clay modelling, natural dying, knitting and crochet, embroidery, fiber arts, form drawing, watercolor painting; Language- Poetry, speech practice, Spanish, Mandarin; Music- singing and recorder; Land-based learning- farm chores during all seasons with the gardens and animals, nature walks, self-directed outdoor play, ancestral skills practice, local field trips; Movement- daily therapeutic movement activities, big group games, circus skills, self-directed free play; Community- seasonal festivals, and parent education.