
“One of the best gifts that has accompanied both of our daughters emerging in the world has been the experience of working with Miss Liz in a variety of contexts.  Her presence not only offers a sense of calm, beauty and aliveness, but has opened places in the soul of both our children that has changed who they have become. My girls thrived by going to the farm, connecting to the land, singing beautiful songs, creating art from nature and learning from the animals, plants and community in this space.  Their sense of gratitude, awe and connection to the world around them that emerged during this time has prepared them to navigate the world with strong hearts and noble purpose”

— Emily P.

“The depth of my gratitude for you is truly beyond what words can express. The impact your offering has on our daughter and family is so profoundly helpful, supportive, and sacred. Thank you.”

— Colin B.

“I had the best summer because of you”

— student with nature name Goldfinch

“Our child is the most confident and happiest version of himself after spending time with you.”

— Deanna F. 

“Thank you for an incredibly magical 2 weeks of summer camp. The farm is more alive and rejoices in all of the mysteries, laughter, songs and stories. My children are more alive with new friendship, sunkissed cheeks and delight in their new connections with the land. Thank you for your devotion to our children and to nature.”

— a happy mother

“Liz has been an immense gift to our family for many years. I’m so deeply impressed with the ways she sees, loves and holds our kids, honoring their wholeness, accepting them as they are and inviting them to be even more fully expressed. Liz has shared her deep connection to the earth and the stars so generously and fully in ways that have benefited the growth of my kids in seen and unseen ways. I trust her with my whole being and feel endlessly grateful that she is in our lives.”

— Mama Rachael

“What a fantastic camp. Thank you so much for your love and support for our child. I really could not ask for more. The journey has surpassed my expectations in every way.”

— Dan T.